Analyzing and evaluating the markets with the most overall potential are some of the most important tasks in our organisation. We use widely recognized valuation methods to make educated guesses about how much profit each property investment will make, whether through property appreciation, rental income, or both.
We strive to surpass the overall gains of the general growth market by leveraging local knowledge and large amounts of market data. Our preferred targets include commercial opportunities and distressed properties, but we have extensive experience with several other property types.
At the current moment our focus is on Southern- and Eastern Europe as certain countries in these regions present numerous attractive investing opportunities.
Even though several of these countries have attracted some negative headlines in recent years, they offer superior growth to western Europe and many other emerging markets, combined with the benefits and protections of EU membership.
Our broad local networks provide us with valuable information about real estate opportunities with considerable potential in these particular countries.
Apart from the countries in Southern- and Eastern Europe, we also focus on a few large European cities. Especially London in the United Kingdom and Frankfurt in Germany have our attention. The two cities are ranked number 1 and 4 in the report
Emerging Trends in Real Estate: Europe 2022 from PwC.
Furthermore we believe that Dubai in the United Arab Emirates still holds a lot of opportunities.
We are constantly monitoring the real estate markets in all of the above mentioned cities and countries. When the right opportunities arise, we present them to our clients. This gives them a serious advantage as international real estate investors.